Goodbye, 2019! Long live 2020!
If you are like me, you are certainly very impatient to finally finish 2019 and to move into the new year, right?
However, depending on what you went through in 2019 for good or bad, you may not have the same expectations as everyone else. Some people have gone through really difficult and complicated times, be it personally, family or work, that they can’t wait to move on to something else in order to write a new page in their lives.
On the other hand, other people also experienced wonderful things during 2019 that they may regret that the year is already over. As of 2019, they have been so successful, whether on a personal, professional or family level, that they are already wondering what 2020 has in store for them.
But whatever your situation, one thing is clear: with 2020, it’s a new page that is turning for each of us. With the new year, we are all going to open a new book of 365 pages and it is up to us to write a new story of our life.
The story you are going to write for this new year will depend on you and you alone. So it is very important to know what you are going to do with your life, how you are going to spend your time and what you want to accomplish.
Some people may decide to start playing sports, quit smoking forever, go back to school, get married to the love of their life, start their own business and start making money.
Others, unfortunately, will decide to do nothing, to feel sorry for themselves or to complain continually because they choose to give up. This is called taking “New Resolutions”.
What about you?
Have you already thought about making new resolutions for 2020?
As millions of people do every year, in a few days or perhaps a few weeks, you too are going to make new resolutions for your life or for the lives of your loved ones and that is rather a good thing.
Simply because the New Year can be a great opportunity to sit back and finally think about your future. It is an excellent time to take notes of what you have achieved in the previous year and plan what you want to do in the new year.
It is also a good opportunity to challenge yourself and make plans to improve on things you have not done well.
In short! It’s an opportunity to start from scratch. Some people make big resolutions and some people make small resolutions. But if I have a piece of advice to give you, it’s not the size of your resolution that counts but everything you will do to achieve it.
If you are about to make New year’s resolutions for 2020, remember that the importance here is to improve yourself or make decisions that will help you become a better version of yourself. There are therefore no small resolutions.
Maybe you want to pay off all your debts or go on a diet. Or perhaps you may want to get more involved in your job, take your health seriously, or make peace with people who have hurt you.
” In a 2014 report, 35% of participants who failed their New Year’s Resolutions admitted they had unrealistic goals, 33% of participants didn’t keep track of their progress, and 23% forgot about them; about one in 10 respondents claimed they made too many resolutions.
A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, wherein resolutions are made in terms of small and measurable goals (e.g., “lost a pound a week” rather than “lose weight”).”
Source: Wikipedia
No matter what your resolutions are, remember that the most important thing is to keep them. However, according to some studies, it turns out that only about 10% of people manage to keep their New Year’s resolutions every year. It’s crazy, isn’t it?
And again this year, only about 75% of those who make resolutions at the start of the year will keep their commitments beyond a month.
After just two months, 25% of people will stop pursuing their commitments and within six months, more than half of the people who made resolutions in 2020 will have completely abandoned them.
Do you realize it?
In just six short months, almost everyone who has made a resolution will not even think about it.
How is it possible? Why are people so motivated to make good resolutions at the start of the year and why do so many people fail to keep their resolutions?
Well, it depends on a lot of things. The reasons why people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions are many and it all depends on how people make their commitments and what they really expect.
If so many people fail to pursue and then keep their resolutions, it is partly because these people do not always ask themselves the right questions.
For example, these people do not wonder if their New Year’s resolutions are achievable, if they are specific enough or if they are really in line with their personality, what they go through in life or if they can really help improve their existence.
In addition, once they have made new resolutions, these people think it all ends there and they do nothing to measure their results or monitor their progress. For a resolution at the start of the year to last over time, it must be achievable and it must not be something you routinely do. Unfortunately, many people make resolutions just out of habit and like everyone else.
As you can understand, the way you make your resolutions can have a big impact on the success or failure of your resolutions. So you need to set your New Year’s resolutions the right way to give yourself a maximum chance of achieving them and sticking with them until at least the following year.
As I already told you at the very beginning of this article, with the New Year, a new chapter in our life begins. The results we achieve with our resolutions will have a real impact on many aspects of our lives.
So, if you want to know how to make New Year’s resolutions and make 2020 your best year on many fronts of your life, in this article I will give you some tips and help you learn how to make good resolutions and how to keep them.
So, are you ready to make your 2020 New Year’s resolutions a reality and set goals that you can be proud of by the end of the year?
Let’s make your 2020 New Year’s resolutions the right way so that you can get real results.
Below are some of my tips that you can start applying today to make and reach your resolutions for 2020.
Start by asking yourself why you want to make resolutions this year
Making new resolutions at the beginning of each year is something that is part of our traditions. No matter where you live in the world, I’m sure you know people around you who do this exercise every year and you are often tempted to imitate them.
So it means that for many of us, taking New Year’s resolutions has become something that we do out of habit. Because everyone is making new resolutions, so we too want to do the same.
Making new resolutions is a personal thing. In life, we do not all have the same expectations and the same needs as others at the same time. We are all unique. Our resolutions too must be unique and must meet our own needs. So it’s important to ask yourself the right questions to find out why you want to make resolutions. You may, for example, ask yourself:
- Do I really need to make new resolutions this year?
- Are there things in my life that I would like to change?
- What are the points that I need to improve to become a better version of myself?
- Are my resolutions achievable?
- Will I hold them?
- What am I ready to do to reach my goal and obtain the results that I will set for myself?
- Am I really determined enough to go all the way?
You get the point, right? By asking yourself the right questions and providing the right answers, you will be able to really know what motivates you to make new resolutions.
Once you understand why you want to make resolutions and how those resolutions will improve your life, the more you empower yourself to achieve your goals.
Make your 2020 resolutions visual by writing them down
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Making new resolutions and deciding that 2020 will be your best year makes no sense if you can’t see your resolutions. If many people never reach their goals, it is partly because they cannot see them.
However, if you know exactly why you want to make new resolutions and if you are able to materialize them, this is already a crucial step for your success. And to materialize your thoughts, the best solution is to write them down.
So even before you start to challenge yourself, start by writing down your goals on a notepad or a life planner. This will allow you to remember what you have set for yourself at the start of the year and you will be more motivated to achieve them. Write down each resolution, from the smallest to the largest and from the least important to the most important.
So if you don’t want to forget your year-end resolutions, here’s what you can do:
- Download an application that will help you materialize your resolutions.
- Start your own blog and start talking about your resolutions.
- Create a to-do list and write down your resolutions as they come to mind.
Make a personal assessment with yourself and analyze your resolutions from last year.
The success of your resolutions for 2020 may also depend on your results from last year. If you are like millions of people who lend themselves to this exercise, I am sure that in 2019 also you were motivated to change certain things in your life and for this you have certainly made resolutions.
12 months later, it may be time to take stock and analyze how things went for you last year.
To do an analysis of your resolutions from last year, here’s what you can think of, for example:
- What resolutions did you make last year?
- Why did you take these resolutions precisely?
- Did you get the results you expected?
- If yes, are you proud of yourself?
- If not, why did you fail to reach your goals?
- Where did you encounter the most difficulties?
- If something did not work well for you last year, what do you plan to change this year to finally achieve your resolutions?
- What motivated you to hold on? Or why did you abandon your resolutions?
- What guarantees you that this year you will succeed?
Analyzing your resolutions from the past year will help you to really see what has worked for you and what has not worked. This will allow you to clearly see the points you need to improve this year to be successful.
Have a clear plan to stick to your 2020 resolutions and follow it
If you go to Amazon, you will find planning, to-do lists, and checklists that allow you to plan almost anything you want. I’m sure no matter what your resolutions are, there are certainly journals and other life journals you can use to make a plan that will help you to reach your 2020 resolutions.
Having a clear plan is like having a road-map that you can follow to find your way.
- So, without a plan, how can you know where you are in your resolutions?
- Without a plan, how can you know what are the different steps you need to take to reach your goals?
So if you haven’t done it yet, don’t wait any longer. Create a plan today and detail exactly what actions you plan to take to keep your resolutions and to stay motivated until the end of the year.
Always track your progress to find out where you stand with your resolutions
This is really crucial and can greatly contribute to your success. And yet many people often forget it. Tracking your progress is very important because it is thanks to this that you will know if you are in line with your expectations.
A little earlier, I told you how important it was to create a plan for yourself. Hopefully and if you followed my advice, by this point you may already have a clear plan of how you are going to achieve your results.
Now that you have this plan, establish a schedule to measure your progress. Depending on your objectives and their complexity, you can choose to track your progress once a day, once a week, once a month or quarterly for example.
By tracking your results, you will know what you have to do to achieve your results.
Do not try to achieve all your resolutions at once
One of the mistakes that many people make when making New Year’s resolutions is that they are so super motivated that they want to do it right away.
Making resolutions for the New Year should not be a race against the clock, but rather a goal that you must try to achieve over the long term. If you want to achieve all of your goals in one go just to get rid of them, you risk quickly becoming overwhelmed with all the work involved.
On another side, if you tell yourself that you have all year to work on your resolutions, you can easily forget about them and move on.
So what is the solution to keep your commitments without feeling overwhelmed and without wasting too much time?
It’s simply to break your New Year’s resolutions into small parts and work a little bit on each part.
To do this, simply allocate each of your resolutions to a time of the year. As a year has 12 months, if for example, you have taken 12 resolutions, you just need to plan to work on one resolution per month.
If for 2020 you decided to start your own blog in order to talk about your resolutions or to share your passions with your own community, in real life, it can give something like this:
- In January: Choose a niche for your blog, decide on a domain name, buy a hosting plan and launch your blog with WordPress.
- In February: Create and publish at least 10 great articles for your blog.
- In March: Invest in your own education, buy a premium blogging course and grow your blog.
- In April: Work on your marketing strategies to get more people to visit your blog.
- In May: Connect with your community or attend a blogging conference.
- In June: Grow your audience to 10K followers on Instagram or on Pinterest.
- In June: Start building your email list and grow it to 1000 subscribers.
- In July: Track your progress.
- In August: Start your own YouTube Channel to connect with your audience. If you don’t want to appear on camera, you can use ContentSamuraï to create your video. It’s the same tool I use to convert my blog posts in stunning videos.
- In September: Connect with at least 10 influenceurs in your niche and do 10-15 guest-posts.
- Etc … Until December.
It’s easy, right? Do you think you can do it? Yes absolutely!
And finally, reward yourself for your accomplishment
Rewarding yourself for the results obtained is the most fun part when you have set yourself difficult goals or have worked hard to achieve your resolutions.
Yet many people often forget to reward themselves.
Don’t make that mistake there. If you think you have achieved the goals you set for yourself at the start of the year, congratulations! It proves that you are a fighter and a determined person. For that alone, you deserve to reward yourself. It makes sense, doesn’t it?
By rewarding yourself, I am not saying that you necessarily have to do something exceptional or something that requires a lot of money. No!
Even a tiny reward is more than enough. the most important thing is to find something that will help you keep your resolutions and motivate you to go even further next time.
I hope these tips on how to make good New Year’s resolutions help you and that now you’re going to do everything to keep your resolutions.
Thank you for reading this article and I wish you all a happy 2020, in health and prosperity, for you and your loved ones.
Before you go, do not hesitate to share with us in the comments if you too have set resolutions for 2020? What are they?
To your success!
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