Hey Dear Online Entrepreneurs, Welcome to my Blog.
I’m José and I’m glad to see you here!
Before you go anywhere else on this blog, I wanted you to stop by here first.
Because your time is valuable, I know it. And If you finally found my blog, it’s probably because you want to :
- Start your own blog
- Finally, Accelerate Your Success And Make Money Online…
- Hit The Jackpot With Your Online Business And Make Money From The 90% of People Who Say “No” To your Home Business Opportunity.
- Learn From Some of the World’s Most Brilliant & Top Earners From The Make Money Online Space
- Get Their Templates, Blueprints, Strategies, Training, and Best Kept Secrets.
- Create Total Financial Freedom & Live The Lifestyle Of Your Dreams!
Does This Sound Like What You Want?
So, let’s not waste your time then!
Keep Reading Because, in the Next Lines, I’m going to reveal you a simple 7 STEP PROFIT BLUEPRINT FORMULA that is going to help you create your own blog and finally start making money working from the comfort of your home!
Do You Want To Build A Residual Income Working From Home?
If you answered “Yes!”, then you are in the right place so pay close attention!
This blog you’re reading right now is a new blog I started just weeks ago at the time of this writing.
But before I start this blog, I had (still have) another blog: bloglovemeeting.com. I no longer really use that other blog for lack of time. But that blog, which is in French (I’m from France by the way), helped me make my first money online blogging.
I made up to $5000 my first year with that blog and I made that money because I followed a blueprint formula I called “My 7 Step profit blueprint formula”.
And today, right here, right now, I’m going to share my secret formula of success with you.
The 7 STEP PROFIT BLUEPRINT FORMULA you’re about to discover below Is the very same blueprint Top Earners Like Ray Higdon, Michelle from makingsenseofcents.com, Melyssa Griffin from melyssagriffin.com, Anastasia from anastasiablogger.com, Alex and Lauren from CreateandGo.com And Many others use daily to build their 5-6 Figure Online Empire From The Comfort Of Their Home.
And Now You Can Use It Too!
I recommend you spend 10 minutes of your precious time to read the following lines. Then spend another 10 minutes to create your blog with WordPress and Bluehost so that you can take massive action and implement what I show you here on this page.
After, and only after you’ve read this page until the end and discovered my 7 step profit blueprint formula, you’ll decide whether to take action and transform your life for good… or leave this page and continue wasting your time surfing the web to try to find the next magical system that will never work.
Are you okay with me? All right, let’s continue then…
Don’t have time to read?
Click Here To Discover How You Can Start Your Blog Step-By-Step!
Dear Marketers And Online Entrepreneurs,
What would you say if you could create a passive residual income starting the next few days?
What about if this passive income could allow you to make up to $100 or $3000+ per month?
- Would you be living in the same house?
- Would you be driving the same car?
- Would you be living the same lifestyle you’re living in today?
- Would you still have the same boring job you hate?
Well, This System Allows You To Do Just That!
Yes! You hear that right.
Today, ordinary people like you and me are making residual income online just by applying some marketing strategies that are changing their lives. You too can imitate them. And you don’t even have to be a guru or have a big budget to invest upfront.
But before we go any further, let me ask you this again:
Are you tired of spending all your FREE time in front of your computer trying every miracle system, program or service promising you to make money but that never delivers results?
Are you frustrated to see other people around you succeed online when you can’t make at least $100 a month?
If your answer is yes, then don’t be discouraged. I know exactly what you feel because not long ago I too was in the very same situation you’re in right now.
I’ve been online for a few years now. I started this online business because my goal was to build a business that could provide me financial freedom and the lifestyle of my dreams while spending more time with my kids.
Long story short, I spent the past 4 years spending all my money buying all kinds of eBooks, Programs, Software and Services I could find to build my online business… with no results.
I mean, Zero, honestly.
I was like a bee, flying from sites to sites trying to find the next product that would make me get rich at the push of a button. But the end result was always deception and frustration.
I was so discouraged and surrounded by failure that I decided to quit Internet Marketing for good until I stumbled across a pin on Pinterest that revealed how some people were making up to $10.000 per month and others even up to $50.000 per month blogging.
I was just like, what? Is this even really possible?
Without asking myself too many questions, and without knowing if this blogging business would work for me too or not, I launched my own blog.
The very same blog you’re reading right now…
Now before I share with you the 7 STEP PROFIT BLUEPRINT I’m personally using to build my online business, you need to do me a favor first…
Forget About Everything You’ve Learned So Far About Making Money Online
Because if you don’t, you’ll still be doing things the wrong way and struggling to make money online for the simple reason that all the $27or $47 products or services those so-called “gurus” have sold you are nothing but scams or mediocre products where they never teach you everything you really need to know to breakthrough…
I was myself a living victim of those fake “gurus” and I won’t take their empty promises and lies anymore!
Creating a passive residual income from scratch is Possible if you have the right system!
And if you decide to take action, this system can Unlock The Door To Riches Beyond all your expectations…
Provided you work hard, be coachable and take massive action.
To do that, it is constantly a wise choice to use a step-by-step proven system that has proven to work.
Here, the system we are going to use is a BLOG. Yes, a simple blog, that we are going to create with WordPress and Bluehost.
If you expected a SYSTEM more complicated than that, excuse me for disappointing you.
Once you have the perfect system or vehicle, then you can get on work and start getting the results you really deserve.
Now that you know the SYSTEM we are going to use to make money online, I am going to reveal you the 7 SIMPLE STEPS Top Earners do daily and How you can implement them to start making a residual income by simply committing to follow a few simple steps each day.
Because a blog without a clear strategy will never take you anywhere.
Below are the detailed approaches that tell you exactly how you can generate net earnings from scratch with a simple blog.
Are you ready to discover what I’m about to share with you?
If you answered yes, then read on below to see what these 7 elements are:
1. Create your blog
Your blog is one of the 2 most important things you really own as an online entrepreneur.
Your social media accounts don’t belong to you. At this point, you probably know it already!
Even if you’re an influencer with thousands or even millions of followers, if you do something wrong, the providers of your social media accounts can ban you and even shut your accounts down without any notice.
Having your own blog gives you a hub, that is to say, a home base that is going to allow you to build your brand and your audience but also to generate leads.
Once you have the perfect audience, that is to say, a group of people who like and trust you, you can promote or sell them anything and as longs as your product or your service match their needs, they will buy from you and you’ll make money.
Your blog will also allow you to give your target market value through creating irresistible content that will help them find solutions to their problems, build trust and relationships with them and you will profit.
So, my first profit blueprint secret is to create your own blog as soon as possible.To start your blog with Bluehost, simply go check their website to choose the best hosting plan for your blog :
Blogging is by far the #1 fastest way to become a top leader and an authority in your niche.
If you are just getting started with blogging, make sure you check out my Ultimate Guide to Starting a Blog as I show you step-by-step how to start a blog the easy way.
2. Blog Daily
If you’re in the Network Marketing Industry, in the Affiliate Marketing Industry or in any Home Based Business that requires to put content online, you absolutely need to start your own blog as soon as possible. (I’m repeating myself here but it’s because I really want you to understand why it’s super important to start your own blog.)
Once you have your blog in place, you must blog daily, no excuses. This is my profit blueprint secret number 2.
When I launched my first blog a few years ago, I went through a “21 Day Blogging Challenge” that consisted of posting new content on my blog every single day during 21 days in a row.
Not only the challenge was passionate, motivating and exciting, but it’s also helped me become a better blogger.
Because the fact of blogging every day helps us improve our blogging skills, put in place some daily routines and develop some natural mechanisms that will lead us to become more consistent.
If you can blog for 21 days without interruption, like it or not, then blogging for 365 days will no longer be a problem for you. It’s a matter of habits and mind-spirits.
I started this new blog you’re reading right now on August 17, 2019, and I must tell you that I”m enjoying every single moment I’m spending working on it to improve it.
If blogging is not a passion for you, then you’ll waste your time.
Honestly, if you want to make all this thing work, you must first be passionate about what you do. Starting your blog with WordPress is free and easy.
The creators of this platform have made blogging so easy that even a complete newbie can start blogging and writing their first article in less than 10 minutes.
In a nutshell, just get busy and start blogging daily…
If you don’t know what to blog about, then make sure to check this article out to get some ideas :
97 Blog post ideas lifestyle bloggers can use to boost their blog
3. Tell People
No matter how fantastic is your blog, if no one can see it, all your efforts will be useless.
No matter how skilled you are when it comes to blogging or putting any sort of content online if no one can see what you’re doing, you’re wasting your time.
No matter how revolutionary are your products or services, if nobody knows about them, they won’t buy them and you’ll never make a dime. Period.
So this being said, I think that you understand why telling others about what you do online is critical for the success of your online business.
Whether you blog for money or just for the fun, you need to tell others what you’re blogging about so that people can come and visit your blog.
This element is very important for the survival of your online business. Once your content is online, your main job is to spread the word and let as many people as possible know that they must visit your blog.
It does not require a big budget to do that. You can do it for free, though you must put in the effort needed and be patient because it will take time to see your first visitors.
To let people know about my blog, I use various strategies, both free and paid ones. For instance, for the moment I’m 100% focussing on Pinterest traffic, which is free.
But I also use Instagram and soon I will be using videos.
I have more than 40.000 followers on Instagram and that’s one of the vehicles I use to tell people about my blogging business.
Here on this Instagram account alone, I have more than 23,3K followers.
So, my Profit Blueprint Secret number 3 is to make as much noise as possible and tell people about your blogging business so that you can get tons of traffic to your blog and make money.
You can tell people about your blogging business using different strategies. For example, you can:
- Use social media to connect with your audience
- Create YouTube Videos to educate them
- Hold Webinars
- Start a Podcast
- Etc.
You can use all of these strategies or pick just the one you’re the most comfortable with and stick to it until you get the results you want.
4. Build Your Email List
Remember when I told you that your blog is one of the most 2 important things you really own as an online entrepreneur?
Well, the other thing you really own is your email list of prospects and customers.
With your blog, you can start getting leads, sales, and sign-ups for literally any business. But if you really want to start making real money just as the top earners do, you must build your email list of prospects and customers. You’ve probably already heard that the “Money is in the list”.
Any serious online marketer will tell you that if you really want to start profiting online, you must have a list. But having an email list will not just allow you to sell your products or make money via email marketing. It’s actually more than that.
If someone gives you their email address in exchange to learn more about you, this means that you can learn from them on a more personal level too.
The other reason you must have a list is that more than 70% of people who visit your blog will never return again. If you don’t find a way to bring them back to your site or if you don’t have their personal info, you lose them forever.
But if you have their personal info, their email address, for example, you will be able to continue communicating with them for years, at least, until they unsubscribe.
So, how do you build your email list?
There are tons of services out there you can use to create your list of prospects. You’ll find free versions and paid versions. But if you’re really serious about building your online business, get away from free services.
You must be willing to invest some money and use the same tools pro bloggers and online entrepreneurs use.
For instance, to build my list, I use GetResponse and Konvertkit.
They both have their advantages and inconveniences.
If you too would like to start building your list as soon as today, you can click here to get started with Konvertkit today.
5. Build a relationship with your target audience
I already told you that people buy from people they know, love and trust. Once you have your blog and start giving people value by uncovering their pain and then providing the pain killer, that is to say by resolving their problems, your audience will start to love and trust you.
But to provide the proper pain killer, you must connect with your prospect on a personal level and discover their specific needs.
The equation is as simple as this: find the biggest problem of your audience, and provide them the perfect solution by redirecting them to your product or your service.
Many people never make any money online because they have no connection at all with their audience. They build a website or a blog, they work super hard to create content but nobody buys their products. Others spam social media with their affiliate links and hope that people will click and buy their products so they can make quick affiliate commissions.
While these strategies worked perfectly well 5-10 years ago, nowadays people have become smarter. If you want them to give you their money, you must first have a minimum relationship with them.
So, how do you actually build a relationship with your audience?
As I told you, your blog is your hub. The easiest way to build a rapport with your audience is to respond to any comment they leave on your blog.
When they join your email list,
Welcome them first them thank them for subscribing
- Follow-up with them
- Continue to serve them daily with content that will make their lives better
- Ask them if you can help them with anything under your scope
- Always try to overdeliver
Over-time, because you provide them content that will help them improve their situation, they will begin to see you as the leader. Once you become the leader, from time to time, you’ll have the right to recommend your products or services to your audience and they will buy from you because you have now built trust.
6. Make Money
If you’re products or services are good enough, the more you’ll blog about your passions and give value, the more people will want to buy from you and the more money you’ll make.
Blogging is becoming so popular nowadays that if you focus and work hard before you know it, you can start making some comfortable income.
Need some proof?
Look at these bloggers. They started out just like you and grew their blog to job replacing income in just a few months or a few years :
- Anastasia from anastasiablogger.com: up to $10.000 per month.
- Jessica Autumn from jessicautumn.com: $2300 in her 7th-month blogging.
- Michelle from makingsenseofcents.com: up to $100.000 per month blogging.
- Me myself, up to $5000 my first year with bloglovemeeting.com (my first blog which is in French.)
Disclosure: These results are not typical and will vary.
People just like you and I are seeing their lives transformed just with the power of blogging daily and telling others.
Many are making up to $1000 a day just with their blog…
Now, you know how they do it. It takes time and hard work to get these results though. But those that really want to make it happen are ready to work hard and do what it takes to succeed.
Apart from their work ethic and their experience, most of the leaders you’ll see out there have one or more of the secrets I shared with here in common. To dominate their industry or their niche, they:
- They brand themselves, not their affiliate company
- They have a hub that allows them to build an audience (Their blog, social media, etc.)
- They understand the biggest challenges and pain of their audience
- They create stunning content to address the challenges and the pain of their audience (They give value and provide a solution)
- They build a relationship with their audience
- They gain trust
- They make money
That’s attraction marketing in motion…
7. Rinse and Repeat
So are you ready to make this year your best year ever?
Start blogging today
To your success