Hey! Would you like to know how to make morning affirmations work for you?
If you said “YES”, then keep reading this article as today we are going to see a few tips you can apply today to impact your life. Today I wasn’t that inspired about what to blog about. So, to find inspiration, I went on YouTube just to watch a few videos.
As I was searching for inspiration, I came across a motivational video about “Making your dreams come true thanks to the power of positive affirmations.”
I know you’ve probably already watched some of these videos yourself. There are plenty of them on YouTube and the most popular ones even have millions of views.
I found that video so inspiring that I decided to create an article for my blog on this very same topic.
After creating my article, I also decided to create a short video about the power of positive affirmations because I know that many people are interested in these topics. Since I didn’t want to appear on camera today, I used a video creation software to put together a video that discusses the topic of my article.
Basically what this software does is that it allows you to create all sorts of content without showing yourself on camera. All I did was to put my content here on my blog then I copied the text and passed it into the software.
I then clicked a few buttons, made sure I was happy with the images inside the video, I selected royal-free music and I added a voice-over and voilà.
It took me literally 10 minutes to create my video then I published it on YouTube. If you want to check it out, below is the video I created with Vidnami.
If you would like to see how Vidnami can help you create videos like this one fast, go here to test Vidnami for a 14 Day free trial.
That being said, if you’re here, it’s probably because you want to improve your life or become a better version of yourself thanks to the power of positive affirmations, right?
Before we see how to make morning affirmations work for you, let’s first see what are positive affirmations.
So what are positive affirmations?
Positive affirmations have been around for a very long time. The Bible gives many examples of the use of positive affirmations. Negative affirmation is not helpful in the body and spirit.
We often have our own thoughts, but we do not always act on those thoughts. Instead, we become passive recipients of those thoughts. This is because our minds are passive receivers of the feelings of others. We can learn to listen to ourselves in order to be more active in our lives.
We also learn to accept ourselves as we are instead of being conscious of the pain, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction we hold inside. By not accepting ourselves as we are, we are denying ourselves any possibilities of becoming happier and more contented. Negative affirmations help us feel our feelings and express them by accepting ourselves as we are.
Positive affirmations do not mean that we think or say something is good about ourselves. That would not be positive. Rather, positive affirmations mean we say or think something is good about ourselves.
In the past, it was common to think in negative affirmations about ourselves. We were either born into a family of negative thinkers or grew up in a world full of negative affirmations.
People who feel good about themselves do not let negativity control their lives. Rather, they work with that negative energy and transform it into positive energy. A growing up in a society full of negative thoughts and growing up in a family that speaks negatively about itself does not set up a good environment for healthy happiness.
When we begin to think positively, we are taking the power of that energy and using it to raise our energy, strengthen our mental defenses, become more aware of our thoughts, and work to become more healthy and happy. Positive affirmations will bring about an increased sense of health and happiness and a decreased sense of stress and unhappiness.
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To help bring about a greater sense of well-being, you can develop a few positive affirmations into your daily language. For example, instead of saying “I am tired,” you could say “I am now more awake than I was before.” A greater sense of awareness brings about a stronger mental defense against the negative energies of life.
Positive affirmations will help you realize what it means to feel good about yourself. They help you see yourself and other people as you really are and bring you into the present moment.
One of the most important things you can do to bring about a more positive attitude is to recognize the connection between life and the laws of nature and the spiritual universe. You can experience your inner-self as it really is and then help to bring it out into the world. It is possible to get a sense of self-awareness and to begin to connect with this higher self.
If you want to discover the joys of life, it is essential to give these positive affirmations some time and thought. You do not have to live in the moment if you do not want to. You can still find beauty in each moment and in every day and in all aspects of your life.
If you are looking for a good place to start, you should start with a short daily exercise that focuses on living each moment to the fullest. Good, positive affirmations will help you bring your consciousness and energy to the highest point possible.
Here are a few examples of the morning and positive affirmations you can apply in your own life.
- 1. “Nothing will stop me today because I feel healthy and strong, mentally, physically, and emotionally.”
- 2. “I’m going to embrace the power of positive affirmations to empower my life.”
- 3. “I’m the master of my own destiny and nothing can stop me from achieving my dreams.”
- 4. “Today is my day, I’m going to make it happen.”
- 5. “I have more than enough to make today a great day.”
- 6. “Today, I will let go of any negative feelings about myself and accept all that is good.”
- 7. “I am 100% focused on myself and I am passionate about my life.”
- 8. “I confess that today I am feeling healthy and strong.”
- 9. “Thanks to my inner wisdom, today I will make the right choices and take the right decisions for my future.”
- 10. “I am willing to take massive action and make it happen thanks to the power of my own words.”
Now that you know what positive affirmations are, let’s see how you can use them at your advantage.
The secret to making morning affirmations work for you is to find a way to change your mindset. Many people think that it’s all about them or that they have to force themselves to get things done. But, in reality, if you want to be successful in any area of your life, you need to make changes to the way you look at yourself and your current situation.
For example, the first step to making any of these important changes is to find a way to change the way you perceive the world around you.
No matter what it is you’re trying to accomplish, whether it’s getting healthy or losing weight, changing your mind is the first step to getting anywhere. It will change the way you perceive the entire process and it will also change the way you actually do it.
The great thing about changing your mindset is that it doesn’t take much effort on your part. All you have to do is keep telling yourself positive affirmations that make you feel good. The more you repeat them, the more strong they become.
Repeat them over again until you feel them as powerfully as possible. When you feel them strongly, then you’ve reached the point where you have developed the habit of believing the positive messages. When you have made it this far, it’s time to start to see the results for yourself.
Now, when you do go out and practice your affirmations, try to use them more often than you normally would. In other words, when you do focus on your new attitude, use the right mindset to reinforce it. You don’t want to get out of habit but it’s essential that you reinforce the changes you’re making.
The next step in how to make morning affirmations work for you is to set some limits. As you do your affirmation exercises, make sure that you can say “no.” There is nothing wrong with thinking about the consequences of what you are doing or saying.
Think about all the people you know who do the same thing as you and make sure that you don’t fall into the same habit. Then, begin to set goals and priorities for yourself so that you know exactly where you stand and how you can proceed.
Create short-term and long-term goals and then go after them and succeed at it. Let your energy and enthusiasm to guide you in this way.
When you wake up in the morning, make sure that you get out of bed and exercise, get dressed and shower, and head out the door. Use this time to affirm what you want to accomplish for the day. You can focus on the positive and focus on the future. In fact, this will help you get into the right mindset for your affirmation exercises.
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In your affirmation exercises, be as specific as possible. This will help you remember the positive affirmations and what you want to accomplish. Focus on the positive and your goal will be achieved.
As you go through your morning affirmations, note the times when you felt a difference in yourself. List each one and write down what you did to make it happen. This will help you see the difference and reinforce it as you go through your day.
Make sure that you’re using this affirmation in conjunction with your other affirmation. The affirmation you use will be used more often than any other during the day. If you’re focusing on a big goal for the day, get your affirmation on the same day.
Using these methods will help you achieve more success when you use your morning affirmations. It will allow you to make and then implement these changes to your life. Even if you want to lose some weight or lose weight faster, you’ll see a great improvement in your health when you take the steps necessary to make it happen.
So, are you ready to start applying these great tips? Then it’s your turn to take action now!
I hope that you liked this article on how to make “morning affirmations work for you”. If “YES”, make sure to share it with your friends.
Also, before you go, at this point if you don’t have your own blog yet, you can sign up with Bluehost here and start your blog within the next 15 minutes
Thank you for reading.
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