Now that the festive season is over, that the end of year celebrations are over and that we have all had a good meal, it’s time to move on and get back on track.
As everyone knows, the end of the year is quite a special time. Generally, during this grace period, people like to relax a bit because they tell themselves that they have worked hard all year and now they can take a break.
The end of the year is a time when you forget your good resolutions from last year and you just want to have fun. This is the period when you forget your diet and when you give up the sport a bit because, with winter and the cold, almost no one really wants to make too much effort to talk and take care of their body or their health.
After all, why deprive yourself of all these good things to eat that garnish our tables during the holidays’ season?
With Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and finally the New Year’s Eve, it’s very difficult to resist the temptation.
Like thousands of people around the world, maybe you too have enjoyed your family and many good things over the holidays. If that’s the case, it’s perfectly normal and I can’t blame you. But now that the holidays are over, you may be telling yourself that you’ve over-abused good food and now you want to make some good resolutions for your life before the good weather arrives.
If so, then you’ve come to the right place. Are you looking for ideas to improve your life?
Do you want to take better care of your health, of your financial situation or of your family? Yes of course! Who wouldn’t want it?
Whatever your current situation, making new resolutions to improve your life is not an easy thing. In addition, trying to make new resolutions when you have family or professional obligations can become a real challenge. I know what I mean. I still have my fulltime job and I have four young kids.
As we enter a new year, we would like the hardest to be behind us and we want to start on a good basis in the hope that things will finally be easier for us. But unfortunately, very often our difficulties of the past year continue to follow us even in the new year and often we do not really know how to get out of certain situations.
The financial problems we experienced last year are not going to go away overnight. It’s not because we have entered into a new year that we have completely turned the page on what constituted our life the year before.
For some people, for instance, the lack of love, the lack of forgiveness, debts, health problems, loneliness, the fact of disliking their job and other hardships times they have experienced last year are still there even though we have entered a new year.
All these difficulties and problems can cause us a lot of stress.
This stress, when it’s too high, can cause illness in some people. Some of these people may become anxious, depressed and feel abandoned. They may also completely lose self-confidence or have low self-esteem. When these things happen, you can’t really take control of your own life anymore.
And, instead of focusing on yourself, you can quickly start to compare yourself to others and even to envy their happiness and their successes because you can think that they are much happier than you.
The danger with these kinds of situations is that if you are not careful, by focusing on what is wrong in your life, you can forget the essentials and you may end up focussing on negative things instead of focussing on things that make you happy.
If you think you are affected by this situation, this may be the time to make new resolutions and find ways to improve your life.
By “finding ways to improve your life”, I’m not necessarily talking about the material or financial aspect of things. There are many ways to make a difference and make your life more enjoyable and easier.
For example, if you really work too much for your boss and you don’t spend enough time with the people you love, it can cause you lots of frustrations that can have a big impact on your health or your morale.
To remedy this situation, the solution could be to start working part-time or to start your own home business for example. Many people start their own internet business today and work quietly from home.
If you don’t have the budget to start your business or if you don’t know where to start, why don’t you just try to create your own blog and then monetize it?
Many people are making thousands of dollars per month with their blog working from home.
Want proof? Check this out:
- Melyssa Griffin from up to $100 000 per month
- Pat Flynn from up to $100 000 per month.
- Jessica Autumn from $2300 in her 7th-month blogging.
- Michelle from up to $100.000 per month blogging.
- Alex and Lauren from up to $100.000 per month.
- Me myself, up to $5000 my first year with (my first blog which is in French)
Disclosure: These results are not typical and will vary.
If you are interested in this idea, you can read my guide below on how to create your blog step by step:
Want to start a blog?: Your ultimate step-by-step guide.
See? With a simple blog, a lot of work and discipline, you can already make your life easier.
By working from home and for yourself for example, not only will you do something that you really love and that will bring you an income every month, in addition, you will really free yourself up time to focus more on the things that really matter to you: your health, your children, your parents, your friends, your studies, etc.
This can really have a positive impact on your life because you will finally flourish and develop your full potential.
At the start of this year where most people are making new resolutions to improve their lives, you may think that making your life easier is difficult because it will necessarily force you to make huge sacrifices and give up certain things that you are very attached to. But rest assured!
There is really nothing very complicated in this process of change. You don’t have to change your whole lifestyle at once to make your life easier.
What you can do, is just to start by making small changes that will transform your mindset.
Do not try to change everything overnight. If you are a heavy smoker and you smoke 10 cigarettes a day, you understand that you cannot stop suddenly and go from 10 to 0 cigarettes in one day. It’s just impossible!
The solution to quitting smoking is to go gradually. In this example, it would be ideal to smoke 2 fewer cigarettes a day, then 4 fewer cigarettes and then 6 until your body gets used to it. It’s only after you have dramatically reduced the number of cigarettes you smoke per day that you can completely quit smoking for good.
Using this same example, try to see what are the things you want to improve or remove from your life to make your life easier and more enjoyable. Once you have located those things to improve or remove, go ahead step by step and start implementing these little changes that will make your life easier.
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At the start of this new year, many have already made new resolutions and others will take new resolutions in the days or weeks to come. Among those who have already made New Year’s resolutions, some already know which ones they want to change or improve in their lives and others have no idea yet.
Whatever your situation, in this article, you will discover 9 New Year’s resolutions tips that will make your life easier.
You are under no obligation to make all of these resolutions or to apply all of these tips. Take only what interests you and start applying it today.
Obviously, this list is not exhaustive. This means that if you have other ideas, you can also add your own resolutions to this list. Okay? Then cool!
Here are 9 New Year’s resolutions that will make your life easier…
Resolution 1: Be yourself and accept yourself as you are
This advice may seem basic. But don’t ignore it. With the emergence of social media, where everyone can see everyone’s life, know what people are eating, who they are dating or how much money they are making, today everyone wants to look like everyone or do like others.
By dint of watching what others do, how they dress or who they hang out with, we always have the impression that we are late compared to others or that others are better than us.
This is not always true. Just because the people you admire on social media give you the impression that they are happy, that they are necessarily happier than you.
Many people are increasingly losing their own identities just because they want to look like the lady they saw on YouTube or like the guy they chatted with on Snapchat. Do not be influenced by others. You are unique and irreplaceable. God created you as you are, with your faults and your qualities.
So, you have to accept yourself as you are. Even if all of your friends are on YouTube and have millions of views, don’t try to be like them because you are not them. You are you!
Focus on what sets you apart from the rest
That is true! You certainly have a gift or qualities that others do not have. Rather than wanting to do like everyone else, focus on your own qualities, work on your strengths and weaknesses.
This will allow you to discover your true potential and realize yourself beyond your expectations.
Resolution 2: Disconnect and spend less time on social media
Let’s face it! We all spend too much time on social media. Am I right or not?
Between YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, and all other more or less known networks, we spend on average between 3 hours and 5 hours of our time per day on social networks. For more info about these crazy statistics, you can read this article: “Average time spent daily on social media“.
Social media is so much a part of our life that we can spend an entire afternoon surfing on social media without even realizing it.
Many will say that spending 3 hours on networks is not much because they have to communicate with their subscribers, read their messages, watch videos or because they must update their news feed.
I have nothing against that. It’s our time that wants this. Even myself I spend a lot of time on networks.
But even if you must be on the networks, whether for personal or professional needs, ask yourself if all this time you spend looking at the lives of others actually brings improvements in your own life.
If you think that at the end of the day it does not help you, it may be that you need to spend less time on the networks and focus more on other things that will make your life easier.
Now, don’t get me wrong though! I’m not telling you that being on social media is not good. All these platforms that we use daily, whether to connect with our loved ones or to develop our business as I do myself, don’t have absolutely nothing wrong when we use them correctly.
But where it becomes problematic and dangerous is when these networks are misused. We use them when we wait for the bus, when we are at work, when we eat at a restaurant, when we are with our families and sometimes even when we cross the street. This way of using networks is completely counterproductive and it does not improve your life.
So, if in 2020 you want to take back control of your life, it would be a good thing to spend less time on social media.
Resolution 3: Organize your personal life
It’s amazing how some people are completely disorganized. These people have plans, but their projects never come to fruition because once they start working on them, they have no idea where they are going or what to do next. All this is due to a lack of organization on their part.
Other people start something and then they change their minds along the way and end up doing something completely different that has nothing to do with their original project. As you can easily understand, being disorganized can have negative consequences on your life and even on your happiness.
By being disorganized, you risk wasting too much time trying to find or do things that organized people easily do. It can even make you lose money, miss important contracts or miss to get a good deal.
For example, if you have an invoice to pay, say on the 10th of the month, and you put at a place you can’t remember because you’re disorganized, you may forget it or pay it late; which may cause you to pay late interest.
So if last year you were disorganized, take steps to change this situation this year. Today there are many ways to organize your life better.
You can ask a specialized coach to help you organize your life better, or if you don’t have enough budget, you can simply get yourself a life planner to write down the important things you need to do.
By organizing your life, you won’t forget anything and it will make your life much easier.
Resolution 4: Organize your financial situation
Many households face financial problems. In some families, finances have even become their major problems. Even worse, many couples are separating because of money problems and more and more young people are falling into over-indebtedness.
Between the different accounts that need to be managed, credit cards, mortgages, student debts and all the bills that keep piling up, sometimes we really have trouble keeping track of our own finances.
If last year you had a lot of problems with your finances, it may be simply because of poor organization. If this is your case, don’t worry! You are not alone. More and more people are struggling to organize their finances. Yet, simple solutions exist.
Depending on your situation, if you can, the ideal would be to ask for help from a budget solutions advisor in order to take work with you and see how to better organize your expenses.
If you are not able to ask a budget solutions advisor to help you, then try to see for yourself how to better organize your finances. For example, you can get a free app like “Personal Capital“ to better manage your money and all of your accounts.
Thanks to this kind of applications you will thus be able to have a general overview of your cash inflows and your expenses. Once you have an idea about your financial situation, it will be easier for you to terminate the contracts that you do not need or to unsubscribe from the various subscriptions that make you lose money, such as for example cable TV, etc.
Resolution 5: Get rid of your debts
This resolution joins the one I just gave you above. Generally, people who have poor financial organizations fail to properly control their spending.
Since they do not know how to manage their finances well, they can fall into debt more easily than the others. As you can understand if you have already experienced this situation, living with debts can really make your life difficult and create many worries for you.
So if you want to make your life easier and avoid any worries, make the resolution to pay off your debts this year.
Making the decision to pay off all your debts will make your life easier because by having fewer debts you will have less worry and less stress. It could, therefore, have a beneficial impact on your life and your health.
Whether you have home loans, personal loans or student loans, credit card debts or other loans that you can get rid of, paying your debts will allow you to better organize your finances, save a little more money aside for the future and enjoy your life better.
You really don’t need to complicate things more than that!
Resolution 6: Set up an action plan to make your year better
Knowing in advance what you want to do this year will make your life easier. In general, organized people plan well in advance for the things they want to accomplish so as not to have big surprises at the end.
For example, as a blogger, I always plan several days in advance what I want to do on my blog. If I want to create content, I take notes or a life journal and write down everything I will do, the type of content I want to create and what tools I will use to create my content.
This saves me a lot of time because it saves me from looking for information from left to right when I finally sit in front of my computer to start working.
All I have to do then is follow my plan. And voilà!
In case you would like to create your blog, make sure to read my in-depth step-by-step guide on how to create your blog :
How to create a blog: Your complete step-by-step ultimate guide.
So if you also want to make it easier this year, start planning out your year today. To do this, you must put in place an action plan and detail the objectives that you would like to achieve by the end of the year.
Resolution 7: Stop procrastinating
The new year has barely started. At this point, you can easily tell yourself that the year is still long, that you still have a lot of time to carry out your plans and change your situation. But precisely this is a big mistake that many people make. They always postpone what they can do today.
Today time flies so quickly that if you are not careful, the end of the year will come without you even realizing it and you risk missing out on some of your important projects.
If you used to procrastinate too much, resolve to stop always putting off until tomorrow what you can do right away. By stopping procrastination, your life will be easier because it will prevent you from accumulating too much delay in your projects.
If you do it right away, at the end of the year you will have less stress to manage because you will already have gotten rid of a lot of projects in progress. This will allow you to have a lot more free time for yourself or for your family.
Resolution 8: Choose your friends carefully
I have absolutely no problem with having a lot of friends. Even myself, at one time in my life I had many friends. Maybe a little too much. But as I got older, automatically I started to have fewer and fewer friends. Apart from a few childhood friends, today I hardly have any more friends because I am married, I have children, I work on a lot of projects that take me a lot of time.
Today my priorities have changed. I have goals that I would like to achieve and I just don’t have the time to spend too much time with some of my friends. It doesn’t make me unhappy. On the contrary, I sometimes even have the impression that the fact of not having too many friends saves me a lot of unilateral problems.
Friends are good. Don’t get me wrong! But between our childhood friends, our workmates and the various virtual friends we have on social networks, it is more than advisable to choose your friends well. The more friends you have, the more they may want to influence you and therefore potentially divert you from your goals.
To achieve the goals you are going to set for yourself this year, you need to focus on yourself as much as possible. There is nothing wrong with investing all of your time for yourself or for your children. There is nothing wrong with forgetting others and focusing on your projects, your dreams or your passions.
Some of your friends may not understand you. They will say that you have changed. But if you want to succeed, sometimes you have to go alone. So choose your friends carefully this year and separate yourself from those who block you or prevent you from moving forward.
Do you like what you’re reading so far? So, please make sure to subscribe to my blog below so we can keep in touch.
Resolution 9: This year, watch less TV
TV is like friends. Earlier I told you that having too many friends can have a negative impact on your productivity and on your results if your friends prevent you from going ahead.
In the same way, watching too much TV can also make you miss your goals because all the time you spend watching TV you produce nothing. So it’s time wasted.
Rather than spending all your evenings watching movies without any interest in your personal development or your business, rather use your time to have a good time with family, to reflect on your plans or simply to read a good book.
Remember that we only have 24 hours a day. So you have to know how to use them.
Well, there it is! We have come to the end of this article. Thank you in advance for reading it to the end. I could have given you many other tips to make your life easier this year, such as:
- Get up earlier,
- Save money for your future,
- Have more confidence,
- Develop a positive attitude,
- Be happier,
- Quit smoking
- Etc.
But I think you get the idea. If you liked this article, do not hesitate to tell me in the comments or do not hesitate to share it with your friends.
Be blessed!
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