Did you know that you could get paid just for writing content for other websites? That’s true!
Making money writing content for other websites is a very effective and lucrative business when you know what to do and how this strategy works. With this business model, you get paid for every article you write that is posted on other websites.
So what’s the big secret to making money writing content for other websites?
It’s simple, all you need is have some knowledge in content creation, a portfolio where your potential clients can see your previous work (this can be your own blog) and be passionate about writing. That’s it!
If you have a blog, or if you are a freelance writer, chances are you already know how to create great content. While you can use that content for yourself, for example, you can use it to post it on your own blog, you can also monetize your content by having it published on other people’s blogs or websites.
Why these other people would want to pay you for creating content for them?
Simply because most of them don’t have time to do it. And others, don’t have the knowledge and skills that it takes to create high-quality content for their own websites.
They know that content is king and that if they want to succeed online, they need to publish great content on their sites regularly.
So, to solve their content creation problems, they outsource their content creation and they hire writers on platforms such as Fiverr.com so they can better focus on other aspects of growing their business.
And when they find someone who is really good, they are ready to pay them big money to create content for them. How do I know that?
Well, I know it because I’m a regular user of Fiverr.com myself. I use this platform for most of my marketing needs. I use it to hire people to create videos for me, book covers, and even write articles for some of my other blogs.
For example, here’s a gig I paid for on Fiverr to get someone to write me an article:
As you can see, I paid $32 just for one 1500 words article. And that’s not even the most expensive content writer you can find on Fiverr.
Imagine how much you can make if you can find a website or a platform that is willing to pay you more than $32 per article you write for them?
How much could you be making per month if you could write just 10 blog posts for them? Could you be making up to $300 per month? $500 per month? $1000 per month?
Of course, you could! And guess what? Those sites that are willing to pay you up to $250 per post to write for them exist.
And in this article, I’m going to tell you where to find them so you can check with them to see if you can make money writing for them.
Before you continue reading, at this point if you don’t have your own blog yet, you can sign up with Bluehost here and start your blog within the next 15 minutes
With that being said, let’s now discover the top sites that are willing to pay you between $50 and up to $200 to create content for them.
To make things even easier for you, I’ve even classified them by niches and I have included a direct link to their “contribute” page.
All you have to do is select your niche and click on the direct link to go and see if there’s a website in your niche you can start working with. How cool is that?
Disclaimer: We don’t believe in getting rich quick schemes. I can’t guarantee that you’ll make any money at all. The information I’m giving you here is for informational purpose only.
Make money and Finance Niche
This part is for you if you are in the make money and finance niche, which is one of the most lucrative niches online. If you want to get paid writing articles in this niche, simply visit their websites, contact the right persons, send them your work and if they publish your articles, you get paid.
1. IncomeDiary (Make up to $200 for worthy articles)
Income Diary was launched back in 2009. This website is specialized in SEO, making money online, affiliate marketing, and traffic generation.
To help them grow their website, they are constantly looking for people who are experts at anything that has to do with: creating awesome websites, driving traffic, social media marketing, making money online, or writing great content.
If you are a professional writer or if you can write amazing articles, then you can potentially make big money writing for them.
How much do income diary pay? They do pay up to $200 for worthy articles.
If you want to write for them, you can contact incomediary.com here to find out more.
2. Fiverr.com (Price ranges from $5 to $10.000)
I already told you about Fiverr.com just a few minutes ago. This is a multi-services marketplace where people buy and sell their skills, which are called gigs.
If you’re just getting started as a freelance writer, a blog post writer, or if you are good at anything else dedicated to helping others solve their problems, then this is definitely a great place to get started.
To get started with Fiverr, all you need to do is visit their website, then click on the “Become a seller” tab as shown in the red circle.
How much can you make on Fiverr?
Price range from $5 to $10.000. Now, I’m not telling you that you’re going to make $10.000 per month. The money you make depends on how much you’re willing to charge for your gigs, the number of orders you generate, and of course on the type of services you are selling.
To find out more about Fiverr.com, you can visit their website here.
3. MoneyPantry
MoneyPantry is another great website that is willing to pay you to write for them. If you know how to tell stories, or if you can write a blog post that ranges from 700 to 1000 words and even more, then you can be a good fit for them.
According to their websites, you can write for almost anything. But if you can write something related to earning and saving money, it would be even better.
How much can you make with MoneyPantry?
If your article gets published, you can get paid anywhere from $30 to $150 via your PayPal account.
If you want to find out more, you can visit MoneyPantry here.
4. Doctor of Credit
At Doctor of Credit, they are always looking for new writers. This website is more specialized in credits, so if you have a piece of knowledge in that field, you can contact them to write articles that will help their readers better understand their rights when it comes to consumer credit.
How much can you get paid with Doctor of Credit?
For each guest post you submit and that is used on their website, they can pay you $50.
If you want to find out more, you can visit Doctor of Credit here.
5. Entelligent
Entelligent is a website that is specialized in energy, business, and the environment. It’s for the smart investor interested in energy trading, the U.S energy industry, and the environmental, social, and governance investing. As one of their contributors, you will be at the forefront of their content creation mission.
They specifically need three types of contributors: Journalists/Bloggers, Business Analysts, and Scientists.
If you think you’re one of them, you can contact them to see if you can work with them.
How much can you get paid with Entelligent?
As a contributor, you can get paid $180 per published submission. You can even get paid a view bonus of $200 if your published article gets the most views after the first week following its publication.
If you want to find out more about Entelligent, you can visit Entelligent here.
6. RankPay
This is another website that will pay you to write content for them. This site regularly covers SEO, content marketing, and social media tips, strategies, and news.
They are always looking for new contributors to help them with their content creation needs. If you can write great and useful articles related to SEO, digital marketing, small business, etc, that their readers will want to read, then take your chance and see if you can be a good fit for them.
How much can you get paid with RankPay?
RankPay will pay you $50 per original article they publish.
To find out more, you can visit RankPay here.
7. BMichelle Peppin
This site will happily pay you to share your expertise with them if you are an expert in anything related to business, or if you some marketing hacks that will help them increase their income, impact or influence.
How much can you get paid with BMichelle Peppin?
You can get paid from $50 to $150 per article via your PayPal account.
To find out more, you can visit Bmichellepeppin.com here.
Kids, Familly, and Parenting Niche
Kids, family and parenting are one of the biggest niches on the Internet. This part is for you if you are in one of these niches. If you want to get paid writing articles in these niches, simply visit their websites, contact the right persons, send them your work and if they publish your articles, you get paid.
8. Addtitude Magazine
This website is always looking for strong writers, expert webinar hosts, and powerful stories about ADHD, learning disabilities, and other related conditions. If you are a journalist or a mental health professional, with personal experience with ADHD or LD and insights that might interest their audience, you might be a good fit for this magazine.
But if you’re not a journalist, don’t worry though. Addtitude is also happy to receive first-person articles by parents, employers, teachers, etc.
How much can you get paid with Additude magazine?
I did not see the price on their website so the best thing you can do is to contact them directly. But from what I’ve seen somewhere else, writing for this type of website can make you between $100 and $200 for a 2000 words article.
To find out more, you can contact Additude Magazine here.
9. The Green Parents
The Green Parent is a bi-monthly publication with an international readership of more than 150,000. If you want to write for them, you will probably be welcome since they are consistently looking for unsolicited articles from regular readers or those who are familiar with the main topic of their magazine.
They are mostly interested in articles in relation to family life and simple living, natural health and beauty, gardening, particularly growing your own, pregnancy and conscious birth, etc.
How much can you get paid writing for The Green Parents?
For a full-length article of 1500-2000 words, expect to make £75 on publication.
To find out more, you can visit The Green Parents here.
10. Homeschool Word Magazine
Practical Homeschooling Magazine is looking for practical articles with resource lists, and if possible photos that explain to their readers how to overcome some homeschool change.
How much can you get paid with this website?
Expect to get paid $50 per article.
To find out more, you can visit Homeschool Word Magazine here.
11. Working Mother
The best thing you can do if you want to write for Working Mother Magazine is to visit directly their contact page here so you can send your demand directly to the right person or service. You’ll also be able to see their writer’s guidelines.
This magazine provides great content for working moms who are devoted to their families and committed to their careers.
How much can you get paid writing for Working Mother Magazine?
Expect to make between $100 to $200. But just contact them and see with them directly since the amount of money they pay you will depend on various things.
12. Alaska Parent Magazine
This website is constantly looking for freelance writers who demonstrate a fresh, engaging writing style and a keen sense of the topics that matter to local parents.
For the needs of their free, full-color, and family magazine, they are looking for lively, well-written stories that cover all stages of parenting such as pregnancy and babies, education, travel, family fun, parenting involvement, health and wellness, etc.
How much can you get paid with Alaska Parent Magazine?
Pays will range between $40 to $200. Of course, this will depend on various things such as the complexity of your article, etc.
To find out more, you can visit Alaska Parent Magazine here.
13. Chicago Parent
Chicago Parent is a parenting news magazine that focuses on providing great content in relation to local families, issues relating to education, education, balancing work and family, and handling the everyday joys and challenges of being parents.
Ideally, your article needs to be written in the first person and must contain 300-400 words in length for short articles and 800-1500 words in length on average for stories.
How much can you get paid with Chicago Parent?
Expect to get paid between $25 to $100 depending on various things you must check on their site.
To find out more, you can visit Chicago Parent here.
14. Carolina Parent Magazine
Carolina Parent is a monthly parenting magazine with a print circulation of 35,000 in three regions within North Carolina. If you’re a freelance writer, you can submit your articles to them and if you get published, you can expect to make between $100-$300 depending on the quality and the depth of your article.
Payment: $100-$300
To find out more, you can contact Carolina Parent Magazine here.
Health and fitness niche
This part is for you if you are in the health and fitness niche. If you want to get paid writing articles in this niche, simply visit their websites, contact the right persons, send them your work and if they publish your articles, you get paid.
15. The Anxiety Foundation
The Anxiety Foundation is always looking for contributors who would like to share their experience, knowledge, or tips about mental health. This website is used by people from all backgrounds and all ages so make sure that your article is always family-friendly.
How much can you make with the Anxiety Foundation?
They pay $50 for any article they publish.
To find out more, you can contact the Anxiety Foundation here
16. Yoga Basics
If you can write and submit one-two education/information focused articles per month in relation to yoga philosophy, and if you are up to date with current yoga news and research, then you are encouraged to apply to write for this site.
How much can you make with Yoga Basics?
Expect to make $30 per article.
To find out more, you can visit Yoga Basics here
17.The Health Journal
If you can write a well-researched, compelling article on essential health topics, and resources to enjoy optimum physical and emotional wellness, then you can contact The Health Journal here.
18. Experience Life
Experience Life is a progressive health and fitness magazine that is published 10 times per year and has a circulation of 700.000.
The magazine targets a general audience of active people who are interested in good health and passionate about self-improvement, well-being, and living a good, satisfying life.
It’s better to contact them directly to see how much they pay per published article.
To find out more about Experience Life, you can contact them here
Travel Niche
This part is for you if you are in the travel niche. If you want to get paid writing articles in this niche, simply visit their websites, contact the right persons, send them your work and if they publish your articles, you get paid.
19. The Traveler Tribune
The Travel Tribune is a blog about worthwhile places and adventurous explorers. They are always on the lookout for well-traveled people who are experienced writers. If you can write an article of at least 800 words, and if traveling is of high interest for you, then make sure to check them out.
How much can you get paid?
To encourage their contributors, The Traveler Tribune pays them $50 per original story.
To find out more, you can contact them here.
20. Great Espace Publishing
If you travel a lot around the world and would like to share your experience with the world, then site may be the place for you to publish your traveler’s stories. To find out more about heir travel writing program, you can visit their website and contact them directly.
How much can you make?
Expect to get paid $100-$150 for interviews and personal stories. But make sure to contact them directly.
21. Transitions Abroad
This is another site where you can get paid to write about your traveling experience. They are consistently looking for contributors who can write for them. Ideally, they need articles that “inspire others to enjoy and explore off-the-beaten-track travel respecting natives, their culture, and the land being visited.”
Your article must be useful, with practical information, and in relation to topics such as teaching English abroad, volunteer work Abroad, long-term vacation home travel, family travel, etc.
How much can you get paid with Transition Abroad?
Expect to make $75-$150 per accepted article of 1250-3000 words.
To find out more, you can visit Transitions Abroad here.
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Make money in the writing niche
This part is for you if you are in the writing niche. If you want to get paid writing articles in this niche, simply visit their websites, contact the right persons, send them your work and if they publish your articles, you get paid.
22. Freedom with Writing
This website only features publishers that pay writers. They pay $30 to $100 for list articles, depending on length.
You can contact them here to find out more.
23. WOW! Women on Writing
This website depends on talented freelancers to write for them. They welcome queries from its audience of women writers.
Pays $50-$150 per published article of 1000-3000 words.
You can contact them directly here to find out more about their guidelines.
24. Writers Weekly
25. Make a Living Writing
This website pays $75-$100 for guest posts depending on various other things such as the complexity of your article, etc.
To find out more about their guideline, you can contact them here directly.
You can also make money writing for these random niches. Some of them pay well, others pay you per word, etc.
To make things easy for you, I linked them to their contacts pages directly so all you have to do now is to see below which site you would like to write for then click on the link and go check their guidelines.
26. Craft Your Content
27. A List Apart
28. Indeni
29. PhotoShopTutorials
30. Tutorials Point
31. TwoPlusTwo Magazine
32. Bird Talk
33. BookBrowse
34. Big Grey Horse
35. The Daily Beast
36. Plum Deluxe Blog
37. Upworthy
38. New Jersey Family
39. Raising Arizona Kids
40. Cooking Detective
41. Christian Science Monitor: Home Forum
42. Focus on the Family Magazine
43. Modern Love
44. Adoptive Families
45. Funds for Writers
With this list of 45 websites that pay bloggers and writers to write for them, I wanted to talk to you about how to get paid writing content for others.
You see, writing is a major part of being successful in life and in the Internet world. For most people, it’s their livelihood, but they don’t earn enough to live on, nor do they have to worry about their bills getting late.
The very best writers in the world are also very busy writing and get into big-time people to market themselves. One of the best ways to make money doing this is to create original content and write about things that people need and want to know. However, some people wonder how to get paid to write and how much it would cost to do this.
The most important thing to remember when getting paid for original content is that you can only get paid for the quality of your work. If you’re willing to produce great content and follow the guidelines, then you can expect to make big money writing for others.
If you want to be successful in the long run, you need to stick to what you want to do and try to find methods that work for you.
Getting paid to write does not have to be a difficult task, though. Many people have become successful just by finding the right method that works for them. There are many ways to get paid to write, but the key is to find one that fits you best.
Let’s take a look at how to get paid to write and how you can get started
As far as writing is concerned, the Internet has made it incredibly easy to create and to sell your content. Freelance writers have realized that there are many ways to get their content into different places and that they can make money from this.
To make money writing for other websites or magazines, it’s as simple as using the free methods that are available and finding a publisher who will sell your content to people who are looking for your material.
Some sites even allow you to post your own articles on their site for free. You won’t make any money from this, but the visitors who click through will see your information and recommend you to others, all without you having to do anything. This is an inexpensive way to get more traffic back to your blog where people can see your work.
One of the ways to sell your own content is through an affiliate program. I know a blogger who wrote a book two years ago and now she makes consistent passive income just because she managed to recruit an army of affiliates who sell her book for her 24/7.
You also have to determine the type of material that you want to sell. You can make money selling things that you’ve written or that are similar to what you’ve written. You can also get ideas from other people who are selling similar products to yours and then write about it yourself.
If you have already written some of your own content, you can still get paid to write. You can market the affiliate products and help your readers get these at a good price. You may even be able to offer a better deal than the affiliate offer.
There are thousands of websites available in this industry that are ready to pay you to write for them. Most of them will allow you to get paid to write about them or about your own experience. The key is to find one that matches what you’re interested in writing about.
Another way to get paid to write and to promote your knowledge is through article marketing. Article marketing allows you to sell your own stuff and promote the content that you wrote about.
Different other ways to make money blogging
Here are a few different other ways to make money blogging in case writing for others is not for you. Whether you’ve been blogging for a few months or for a few years, this list should help you get started. Consider it a crash course to blogging and earn money online.
Related content:
How to make money blogging: 10 Ways bloggers actually make money (Part 1/2)
How to make money blogging: 10 Ways bloggers actually make money (Part 2/2)
First, there is affiliate marketing
When you sign up with an affiliate company you will be selling their products. You will have to follow the steps that they will take to get your customer information. This is the best way to get started on the internet along with building your email marketing list.
Second, there is Pay per Post which is another way to get paid for blogging.
This is the easiest way to begin blogging but not the most productive. In Pay per post, you will have to create a blog and submit it to several different places. Then you will be paid based on how many people click on your ads.
Third, there is AdSense which is another way to get paid for blogging.
This is the most productive and successful way to start blogging. The Google AdSense program pays you based on how many times someone clicks on your ads. So you will be paid the more times someone clicks on your ads.
as you can see, the opportunities to make money blogging online are unlimited. You just have to learn what the right way to do it is.
And voilà! I hope you like this article. If you liked it, don’t hesitate to share with your friends. Also, if you have already made money writing for other websites and I didn’t mention that website in this giant list, make sure to tell us about your experience in the comment box below.
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